In this immersive video, Theresa Révay invites us to embark on a sensory journey through her latest work dedicated to perfume.

The book delicately explores family heritage, love, and transmission through fragrances, perfectly embodying the evocative title ""Ce parfum rouge" (That Red Perfume). Inspired by personal experiences, the character of Nine Dupré provides a sensory immersion through olfactory descriptions, transporting readers into the captivating world of the Givaudan family.

As Theresa Révay's cousin and direct heir to the family tradition of Givaudan perfumers, Sandrine Givaudan-Pozzo di Borgo continues the family legacy through Quintessence Paris, thus bringing a significant dimension to this captivating work.

This video promises a memorable olfactory adventure.

Do you have a perfumed project in mind? Let's discuss!

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